Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Must Haves!

With my son the best thing I owned was a swing.  It's an older model graco swing so nothing like the fancy ones on the market today but it did the job.  He spent hours in that thing until he was 5 months old.  This time around with my daughter my must have would have to be the bouncy chair.

It's the same one I used with my son and he enjoyed it too but it's been invaluable this time as it's so portable so I can put my daughter in it and put her on the kitchen table while I feed my son or put her on the floor while we play.  She quite often falls asleep in it and at least it's easy to take her where the action is.  I have a couple carriers but being the summer I tend to get hot without wearing a baby around the house and she's not fussy or having to be held all the time anyway.  Check out the different bouncy chairs here.

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