Sunday, July 17, 2011

The First 4 Weeks......

So the first 4 weeks with the baby have had their ups and downs.  She took a long time to get back to her birth weight and after gaining only an ounce in one week the doc and I decided something had to be done.  It was first assumed I wasn't making enough milk so I was put on medication.  I'd been feeding her up to 14 times a day and  I assumed she had to be getting enough but it was exhausting and she cried a LOT for food.  So I made the decision to strictly pump and bottle feed my breast milk.  I make enough over a day to feed her with a little extra and since doing that she gained 11 ounces over a week and crying went down a lot for food and she can go 2-3 hours between bottles so it's not so exhausting and it's easier for me to care for my toddler too.  Looking back she was not pooping enough or peeing enough compared to what she does now but I didn't realize that having forgot how much newborns are supposed to poop.  We never figured out why she can't get enough from breastfeeding but it doesn't matter.  Sterilizing, pumping and cleaning bottles and stuff can be a lot of work too but I figure I have the milk so why waste it.......why not give my baby girl the best start I can :)

Next step is to work on her night time sleep or lack thereof.........

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